Soul Memory Retrieval is a profound part of the healing process within your personal energetic clearing pod. It goes beyond addressing the imbalances of your present life and delves into the vast depths of ancestral energies, parallel dimensions, future potentials, and past lives. By venturing into these multidimensional aspects, we connect with a deeper knowing of your expansive essence that extends far beyond the limitations of the physical realm. This profound exploration of other lifetimes allows for a greater understanding of the life lessons that were or were not learned during those periods, and how they continue to impact your current existence. Through this process, we have the ability to retrieve fragmented aspects of your soul and clear any lingering energetic imprints that keep you entangled with past life experiences. By integrating the lessons and experiences of these past lives, including any gifts and wisdom gained, we facilitate deep cellular healing and validation of your personal journey.

Did you know 90% of the population is not only living with trapped negative energy stuck in their subtle bodies but they also have dark entities or spirit attachments?

I’m super excited to share my perceptions and experience in the realm of dark energies. We are at a point in humanity that requires us to individually and collectively be courageous to face our shadow selves and acknowledge the existence of darker energies affecting our daily lives. There is no more suppressing and hiding our dark side. We must rise up and heal as a collective for the generations to come. This is the greatest gift that we can give our children and generations to come.

Different types of energies from past, present, future, parallel lives and/or ancestral

  • Trapped Trauma, Trapped Emotions, Heart Walls, Negative Broadcast Messages, Negative Core Beliefs etc.

  • Physical Toxins; Heavy Metals, Pharmaceuticals, Vaccinations, Food, Biological Poisons, Environmental & Electromagnetic Radiation

  • Pathogens; Parasites, Mold, Viruses, Fungus, Bacteria, Prions, & Biofilm

  • Removal of Vaccination, Nano Tech, AI Virus, Heavy Metals, and all kinds of toxins

  • Offensive energies; Curses, Hexes, Saboteurs, Evil Eyes, Cords and so much more

  • Removal of Dark Entities & Negative Spirits such as: Disembodied Spirits, Vampiric entities, Fallen Angels, Archons, Dark E.T’s & so much more.

  • Implants, Dark Curses as well as closing Portals, Vortexes, Blackholes etc.…

  • Entity Possession

  • Removal of Blocks affecting Money, Relationships & Spiritual gifts

  • Business, Social Media & Home clearings